Felipe Webb
Dear Agape International,We want to express our gratitude for the life and ministry of Alfred Davis and his wife Martha during their recent visit to our country. We appreciate your support which made this visit possible.
The event in which our brother Alfred participated as speaker was for Pastors, lay counsellors, and Christian Psychologists. This seminar was part of a ministry called, “Free Servants” that our church is initiating. The objective of this ministry is to train and minister healing to leaders.
We had participants from several Colombian cities, and representation of different evangelical denominations. Although, it was the first time for an event of this kind in our country, it touched a key and needy issue for Colombians. The psychologists and Christian professionals of the human sciences especially were encouraged to practice what they learned as they see the relationship it has with their faith. All the participants were motivated, and encouraged us to continue with this type of event, recognising the immense need that exists in the national leadership.
We would like to point out some of the comments from the written evaluation.
Regarding the most important things they learned:
- God, the Holy Spirit, can be the main agent in counselling and direct the process.
- The best way of working, in counselling, is not the one that I do and know.
- To know the areas of my life in which it is necessary to invite Jesus to enter, so that He brings complete healing.
- Not to believe the lies of Satan.
- My freedom will help others.
- The love and grace of God.
- In all processes of healing or counselling it is very important that the client appropriates the truth.
Regarding the positive aspects of the event:
- Excellent speakers of quality and experience.
- They taught with truth, grace, and humility, and showed an open way to confront the church.
- They were spiritual and sensitive.
- They spoke with clarity and spiritual authority, humility and commitment.
- The topics were appropriate for leaders and pastors.
- The unity of the different denominations, through the Holy Spirit.
- The transcendence of this ministry.
- It opened the road for God to work in Colombia in this aspect.
- God’s people are getting ready to face the devil’s warfare.
- A new method to help others to be free.
Other valuable comments we received were:
- Congratulations on motivating the training of leaders and Christian professionals.
- May God keep using you to train and form leaders.
- God is using you greatly to bless the leadership, the church, and Colombia in general.
- 1 Cor. 15:58
- Thank you for this sowing in Colombia and for this great opportunity (for the church of Colombia and for many who are beginning their ministry) to help more people.
- I returned with a broader vision and with a new touch from the Lord on my heart.
- Thank you for expanding the Kingdom of God without discrimination between churches or denominations.
- It was spiritual refreshment for our ministry. It has been the best conference I have ever attended. You are showing with this event an example of unity, which is part of what the church needs; a wonderful topic that has to do with the call that Christ makes in our hearts. He is leading us to a deeper commitment in what we do.
- It was confirmation for many of us and really helped out with many doubts I had. I better understand the power of God’s Word.
We would be very happy to have them back in the near future for another week of training. Thank you again for your participation in the ministry.
May God bless you,
Felipe Webb
Co-ordinating Pastor
Comunidad Cristiana El Redil de El Poblado