Dr. Warren Reeves
Dear Sir,
Recently, we attended the Christian Counselling and Inner Healing conference by Alf Davis.
We were encouraged in several different ways and recommend the same.
First, from a pastoral perspective… my wife and I have served in four churches ranging from 60 to 1200 in membership, in three different countries, as solo, associate and senior pastor. Presently, we are serving an international community in Bandung, Indonesia. In whatever context we find ourselves, the need for inner healing and deliverance is escalating. Perhaps we are catching up to God’s agenda and are only now becoming more aware of how to minister to deep needs as opposed to surface feelings. The material Alf delivers is credible and long-term “soul medicine” for individuals, married couples and ministry situations that we have encountered over nearly twenty years of ministry. People ready for real change gently encounter Jesus the healer which is very different than hearing advice from an experienced counselor. Our resources are limited but Jesus’ healing power is divine and applies to every specific person and situation.
Second, from a cross-cultural perspective… we serve God in the largest Muslim population in the world. I believe the significance of how Jesus heals and delivers people outside the Western World is paramount to the extension of the gospel around the globe. Recently I heard a veteran missionary say, “Inner Healing is the key to the Muslim world meeting the prophet Isa Almasih (Jesus).” Muslims, unlike historic Western thinkers, are very open to the Spirit of God touching the wounded parts of their souls. When Jesus meets their heart pain, Muslims are known to repent immediately and pledge allegiance to Christ. Alf persuasively convinces people, including those working with Muslims, that inner healing is a disarming way of sharing Christ with what otherwise could be fanatical Muslims. It is broadly accepted among the missiological community that God is revealing Christ to Muslims through dreams, visions and healing. Why make Muslims come to Christ through more conventional Western ways when God is clearly providing other means for Muslims to encounter Christ and repent of sin?
Third, from a personal perspective… the more I grow in Christ the more I realize the depths from which I have come. As I sat listening to Alf at the conference, my conscience was stricken and my wounds opened up. The Spirit of God was affording me the privilege to move several steps closer to the heart of God. Feeling safe and away from my parishioners, I met Alf for a private time of healing prayer. His role was that of a facilitator not counselor. Jesus met me in two painful memories. I left realizing that Jesus had replaced my pain with his presence. Two memories that once caused me to wince with self-inflicted embarrassment were now pictures of intimacy with Christ. As Alf led me through the series of prayers my wife who was observing later commented that his read on my responses, my physical gestures, and over all demeanor indicated his experience was assisting the process. He was in fact the host inviting Christ to visit places of my soul I did not know needed visiting. The experience was beautiful, peaceful, engaging and healing. I went away experiencing Jesus filling my spirit with the power of His transformation.
Alf is well read. He is a gentleman. He loves the Lord. He desires to help people. His low-key conservative Canadian demeanor serves as a warm invitation to learn all that one can absorb at the Christian Counselling and Inner Healing conference. If you are looking for long-term solutions to repeated challenges of fighting besetting sins, Alf Davis’ conference is a practical pathway to tackle such a challenge. If you are looking for answers beyond textbook scenarios for ministry challenges that require the divine intervention of God, Alf can help you get there. If you are looking for cross-cultural insights to catapult your ministry into a spiritual paradigm that would motivate non-western minds and hearts, Alf will deliver the goods.
We recommend Alf Davis to you.
Dr. Warren Reeve Leader
Bandung International Church