Resources you may use:

Book: Free To Be Me (click to download)Adobe Acrobat PDF File 
A 265 page book which explains why we all need Inner Healing and how it works.

Book: Participant’s Workbook (click to dowload)Adobe Acrobat PDF File
If you want to work through the workbook that is used in the 10 week small group program then download the 105 page step-by-step program to work through the process of inner healing.

Guide: How To Find Words for My­ New Story (click to download)Adobe Acrobat PDF File 
A 30 page prayer process to help you find words of truth to add to your new story.

Workshop: How To Write My New True Self Story(click to download)Adobe Acrobat PDF File
A 41 page step-by-step guide for Workshop participants to help you write ­your personal story.

Book: Sparky the Firefly (click to download)Adobe Acrobat PDF File
If you want to read a story written for children about inner healing and bullying.– A touching (text only) story about what happens when Sparky’s light goes out and how his light is rekindled.

CD Resource: Request the DVD! (click here for ordering information)

This DVD is valued at $125 which is the value of a one hour counselling session with Alf. This can yours for a $10 shipping charge. If you feel ready to do some personal inner healing prayer work, watch the Guided Prayer Process.

The old saying “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me.” is a lie.
In reality, it is names and words that will hurt you, and forever, unless they are confronted with Truth.

— Wisdom and Truth # 18

Please feel free to use and share these resources. Jesus is the Wonderful Counselor. And Jesus’ truth helps to set you free, share your story with others and give God the Glory.”

Alf Davis, RP, DCC,  M.Div., RMFT, MBA.