The Process of Healing The Soul
When it comes to the soul, I believe that we are healed in the same way that we are wounded.
If words and lies can hurt our soul, then words and truth can heal us.
If secrecy and hiding can hurt us, then openness and transparency can heal us. If unconfessed sin can hurt us, then confession can heal our souls.
If unforgiveness causes us to be angry, then forgiveness can set us free.
If lack of love wounds us, then the presence of love can heal us.
If it is true that souls are socially constructed with meaning established through words and language, and then organized and maintained through narrative, then I believe that both wounding and healing occur in the same way.
If the social environment, in which you live, is the source of hurtful words that then become your story, then the solution is finding a social environment where helpful, truthful words can enhance your story.
I believe that healing of the soul occurs through four main paths: 1) truth, 2) confession, 3) forgiveness, and 4) love. In addition, I believe that Jesus heals. If you invite Jesus into your soul to reveal truth to you, to cleanse you through confession, to forgive you and fill you with love, he will set you free.
So, turn to Jesus and find a loving group of people who will help you know and live in the truth. With a broken spirit and a contrite heart, confess your own sins and change to be obedient to truth. Receive Jesus’ forgiveness, forgive yourself and then forgive all those who have hurt you, so that you can be free. Then, with the love of Jesus in your heart, love yourself and love others unconditionally. As this reality develops, focus on your New Story, your narrative that is based in truth, and allow this story to grow and heal your soul.
May your journey be filled with love.