The Two Powers of Truth – Internal and External
The Truth will really set you free in more ways than one.
Internal Power
When a positive, Truthful word is received internally in your mind, there is a threefold benefit that nurtures your mind, your emotions and your body. Truth is always positive. Truth has a divine power to produce mentally healthy neural pathways (story), that automatically produce positive emotions, and which in turn release positive chemicals throughout your body. The result is a peaceful harmony in your mind, emotions and body. Truth nurtures and stabilizes the whole system mentally, emotionally and physically.
External Power
At the same time that Truth is guarding and nurturing you inside, Truth works as armour to protect you from external words and events that can harm you. The painful words that are coming from outside of you are rejected by the power of Truth in a divinely powerful way. When Truth is embraced and accepted inside, the lies and hurtful words cannot get in. They bounce off. Truth creates a strong boundary that acts like personal armour to defend you from lies and external, hurtful words.
Truth has the unique power to nurture and to guard us internally and externally at the same time. Since the mind uses words to create meaning, Truth is the divine strategy for not only nurturing our whole internal system, but Truth also protects us simultaneously on the outside from external verbal attack. Truth amazingly protects us and restores our souls at the same time.