The Unforgiveness Trap
Forgiveness means, “to let go.” When we do not let go, we hold on to the pain and the hurts that began the whole process in the first place. What causes us to not forgive? It is the pain. That is the trap! God says that his job is revenge and our job is forgiveness. He should know what is good for us because he designed us. God’s truth is that the only way to get rid of the pain is to forgive and let go. With each time that you choose to forgive, the pain goes down. That is why the Bible refers to 7 x 70. Sometimes you need to forgive the same offense more than once before all the pain goes away. The fruit of unforgiveness and revenge is anger. The fruit of forgiveness is emotional freedom and eventually freedom from pain. Don’t let Satan trick you into thinking that you need to hold onto the pain until the person who hurt you is punished. Forgive now, which is God’s plan, and live in freedom. Trust God to take care of the revenge